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Fresh Picks of the Month


Beets add a sweet taste of color to any meal.  Serve alone or as part of a salad, beets are filled with nutrients and low in calories!

Nutrition Benefits

  • Beets are a good source of folate, vitamin C, and potassium
  • Cooked beet greens are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K.
  • Beet greens are also an excellent source of iron, beta carotene, and calcium.
  • 1/2 cup cup of cooked beets is only 37 calories!


Serving Tips

(Serving Size-1/2 cooked beets)

  • Slice cooked beets and serve with low-fat vinaigrette.
  • Add beets to a mixed green salad.
  • Serve warm beets with lemon juice and your favorite spices.
  • Add chopped beets to your favorite melon salad for colorful treat.

Handling and Storage

  • To maintain firmness cut off beet greens before storing, but leave at least an inch of the stem attached.
  • Place the unwashed roots in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator crisper for up to three weeks.
  • Store the greens separately in the same way and use them as soon as possible.  They will only keep for a few days.
  • You may also store the greens by wrapping them in a clean, damp paper towel.


Roots:  Scrub the beets very gently and rinse well, but be careful not to break the skin, which is quite thin.  Leave at least 1 inch of stem and don't trim the root.  

  • Baking:  Locks in nutrients and intensifies the natural sweetness of beets.  Wrap beets in foil, place them in a baking pan, and bake until tender.
  • Boiling:  Beets should never be cut or peeled before cooking them in liquid; otherwise, they will "bleed" their rich red juices while cooking and turn an unappetizing dull brown.  Place whole beets in a pot of boiling water, cover and simmer until the beets are just tender.  Boiled beets hold their color better if vinegar or lemon juice is added to the cooking water.  This will keep them a beautiful crimson.
  • Microwaving:  Place 1 whole beet in a microwaveable dish with a little water.  Cover and cook until tender.
  • Steaming:  Beets can be cooked in a vegetable steamer over boiling water.
  • Wash greens before serving as they are likely to have sand or dirt clinging to them.  Pinch off leaves that are thick and tough.
  • Dry greens well, if serving them in salads.
  • Use the cooking liquid from greens in a sauce or add it to soup.  A large amount of the nutrients of greens is released into the liquid as they cook.

Try These Recipe Ideas

Arugula and Beet Salad

1 pound arugula or other salad greens
1 apple, a crunchy variety is best, sliced
2 medium-sized beets, cooked, peeled, and sliced
4 oz goat cheese or other soft cheese
Any of your favorite salad fixings

Combine all ingredients in a bowl.  Top with your favorite low-fat vinaigrette or olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Beet Fruit Salad with Raspberry Dressing

1 cup peeled and sliced honeydew melon
1 cup peeled and slice cantaloupe melon 
2 cups cooked, peeled, and sliced beets
1/2 cup raspberry vinaigrette
2 cups low-fat cottage cheese.

Combine melon and beets with vinaigrette.  Place 1 cup of salad on the plate and top with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.